Collaborative Research

UW–Madison is home to one of the largest research enterprises in the nation – the College of Engineering is a highlight of this research institution.  Partnerships with engineering faculty and staff include access to our academic and scientific resources with the goal of transforming discoveries into solutions that address real-world issues.

The following tabs feature a series of complementary resources that provide clarity about industry-sponsored research.  These guides, templates, and frequently asked questions provide more comprehensive details that should enhance your understanding of the process.

UW–Madison is continuously looking for ways to enhance and improve industry partnerships and make the process easier for companies.  We look forward to reviewing these items with you.

There are many ways in which a company may collaborate with UW–Madison.  Below are links to several agreement templates containing terms that are consistent with our legal guideposts.  Using these templates as a basis for research engagements can significantly reduce the time it takes to execute an agreement.

CDAs and NDAs are used to protect the confidentiality of any proprietary information that needs to be evaluated by the another party, whether that information is being shared by the investigator with a potential sponsor or by a sponsor with the investigator. Key provisions in a CDA include: a narrowly defined purpose or project, the clear identification of confidential materials, and limited periods of disclosure and continued obligation of confidentiality.  Download the template.

Consulting Agreements are made between the sponsor and the investigator as an individual, outside of one’s university employment. Accordingly, these agreements are not negotiated nor signed by the university. It is the investigator’s responsibility to ensure that the terms of the agreement do not conflict with their commitments to the university and that the work to be performed does not require the use of university resources. Help is available through the UW Law School’s Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic. Read more about consulting agreements.

Fee for Service (FFS) Agreements govern vendor relationships where the University provides a routine service which meets predefined specifications with no novel or creative input by a university member. The activity does not add to the body of fundamental knowledge in a given field. Download the template.

Research Agreements are applicable when the project will involve a systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to general knowledge.  This Funded Standard Research Agreement template is used when more detailed IP is involved; however, a simple IP agreement is also available.

Materials Transfer Agreement (MTAs) are used for incoming and outgoing materials at UW-Madison. They describe the terms under which university investigators and outside researchers can share materials, typically for research or evaluation purposes. MTAs protect both the investigator and the industrial partner from liability and loss of intellectual property. More information is available in our guide to Material Transfer Agreements.

Are you interested in finding out about the amazing technological discoveries made within the College of Engineering?  The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) manages all intellectual property and tech transfer activity at UW-Madison and will guide you step by step through the different arrangements, providing access to more than 1,760 WARF-patented technologies.  Let us help you connect with representatives from WARF.

Contact Us

We understand that navigating academic institutions can be challenging.  The Office of Corporate Relations is happy to help you find your way around UW-Madison’s ecosystem of research. These FAQs can help you get started.