Advisory board member

OCR advisory board members enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Become instructors to provide training for our faculty, staff, and students.
  2. Receive an honorary associate appointment to enjoy UW-Madison’s library system and other resources
  3. Receive facilitated access to faculty and students for research discussions, collaborative research and consultant arrangements.
  4. Identify potential future employees through early and sustained contact with talented students. AMIC will help connect you with faculty and staff who can recommend top undergraduate and graduate students, who you can then follow and evaluate.
  5. Access campus instrumentation facilities. Don’t know if we have the capability? Ask us and let us do the research for you. Facilities include:
  6. And receive
    • Information on related and cutting-edge research
    • Stimulating research opportunities with in-house staff
    • Assistance in navigating campus and IP resources

And member companies can participate in the following engagement activities:

Technical Review Session

Come to UW-Madison and present your materials research challenges in a private meeting with selected faculty members to discover synergies and find consultants.

Industrial Fellows Program
Companies with consortium membership may send one Fellow per year as part of their membership fees. While in residence at the university, an industrial employee works closely with faculty and students to complete a research project. If desired, the results may be reported at the annual meeting. Learn more.

Annual Meetings of various consortia
At these meetings, each research program gives formal oral presentations on its work during the past year. A poster session and reception and dinner offers the opportunity for informal interactions and discussions about on-going or potential new projects. The meeting may also include special topic workshops.

Industrial Advisory Board
The Industrial Advisory Board meets during the annual meetings and may meet at other times at the request of the UW AMIC director. Company representatives give feedback on research emphases, project choices, and long-term directions as well as the effectiveness of the consortium and its management.

Special Project Research
Industrial Partners may fund directed research and negotiate for licensing the intellectual property. Please contact us for further details.